Hollywood LA – starting the series

7. Juni 2016

von Anna


I was thinking about how to start with posts about Los Angeles, my favorite city. Then I came to the conclusion: What about writing a series about it with different parts? So here is the first one: Hollywood LA

What to explore in Hollywood LA

What is the first thing about Los Angeles that comes to your mind?
Yes, the Hollywood Sign! Then let’s start the journey in Hollywood:

Hollywood LA - Hollywood Sign

Up the hills in Hollywood LA there is the well known sign that stands for movies, film people, sunny California and celebrities. It takes you about an hour to follow the trial to stand where Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis stood  in „Friends with Benefits“. I would rather recommend to stop where the houses end. There is a nice place where you can take the best pictures of the Hollywood Sign, as you can see in the picture above.

No, you don’t find celebrities at Hollywood Boulevard

Furthermore, everybody is curious about the Hollywood Boulevard. However as shown in „Pretty Woman“ you can see that at night there are different people there. Some tourists are frustrated after they have seen that the Hollywood Boulevard is not what they expected it to be. They probably expect celebrities there or red carpets or just Hollywood drama.

Hollywood LA - Hollywood Boulevard friendsOf course, celebrities won’t go to a tourist place where they couldn’t take a step without hundreds of people around them asking for photos or autographs. They live in Beverly Hills or Bel Air in big,big houses with a big fence around them.
Therefore the Hollywood Boulevard isn’t a pretty location. But you can see all of the 2000 stars on the ground which means in case you want to see them all, you have to walk a lot. Located at the Hollywood Boulevard, are also a lot of tourist shops and some restaurants. You also find people who are dressed up as Batman, Jack Sparrow or other heroes from movies. You pay them a tip to be allowed to take pictures.

Well, right now you are probably not impressed. But Hollywood also has some real nice sites. Just drive to the Sunset Strip. There you’ll find a lot of nice bars, lounges and restaurant and also shops. Other really nice tips you can find at Jake’s Blog Travel.Food.Film.

I have been to a one of those bars that has no roof so that you can see the city beneath you. Unfortunately neighbors where frustrated because of the loud music. So the owner of the bar had to build a wall, luckily with big windows. It was just amazing to be there, drinking some cocktails, listening to really good music and observing fashion hipsters or music influenced people.

Hollywood is also known for its clubs. You see, the nightlife in the right locations can lead to an amazing night out in Hollywood and if  you are lucky enough you will find some celebrity in those bars or restaurants around Sunset Strip. I saw Little Romeo in a Hip Hop club somewhere in Hollywood LA, don’t ask me where it was. 🙂

Hollywood LA - Griffith Observatory

Griffith Observatory is a nice spot to get an overwhelming view over Hollywood LA

Another nice spot in the hills is the Griffith Observatory in Griffith Park. From there you have an amazing view of Los Angeles. If there is no June Gloom you can even see the ocean which is totally beautiful. Right now I’m wallowing in memories…

So, what do you think about my first Los Angeles travel post? Did I destroy any illusions? 😉

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