First Impressions of Trójmiasto

23. Juni 2015

von Anna


I am so so sorry, I haven’t been very loyal to you and have kept you waiting so long for another post. But let me explain the reason: as you know I am always on the move, because of work, because of travelling or to visit friends. This is the first reason why I haven`t written anything. The other reason is a further training of online marketing that I am doing apart from my usual work. This all together lead to a travel-enthusiastic-me who would love to tell more stories but don`t have time for it. However I will try to change this, I promise!

The purpose of my blog is to simply encourage you to spend some nice days somewhere else and to help you find the best places, flights or hotels. Currently I am working on a move from Blogger to WordPress which is another reason why I haven’t posted new stories.

Gdansk - the city of shipyards and trading

Gdansk – the city of shipyards and trading

Trójmiasto – the nicest polish spot for summer vacation

Now I would like to tell you a bit about my last travel destination which was Trójmiasto/Tricity, Poland. The one or the other who follows me on Instagram or Twitter saw already some nice pictures from this beautiful region. Trójmiasto is more an economic region than a single city, because it consists of the cities  Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia. These cities are close to each other. You should explore all three, because each has its own vibe and beauty.

The symbol of the trading city Gdansk - the crane building

The symbol of the trading city Gdansk – the crane building

It was the second time that I visited Tricity. First time I did my ERASMUS semester there and lived in Sopot which is located at the Baltic sea. This city is known for holidays, relaxation and as a health resort. In some upcoming posts I will give you tips what to see in Sopot, Gdynia and Gdansk. For today I would like to introduce the cities and what they look like during summer.


Gdansk oldtown

The old town from the long street (ulica Długa)

Gdansk is probably the most well  known city of all three, especially because it has a long German history. In World War 2 the Germans came over Westerplatte to Gdansk and fought back the brave Polish army. Today Gdansk is known for trade, amber and shipyards. In the old town you find stands where people sell amber. I really enjoy walking up the na dluga street (long street) which connects the two big gates in Gdansk. At the river you see the amazing port crane which links to the history of Hanse trade. If you go up the European Solidarity Centre, you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the shipyards.





My favorite city of Tricity is Sopot. It is full of people being in holiday mood. The beach is close, you find nice restaurants and bars, it is clean and you can choose between a lot of clubs to party. I enjoyed it during my ERASMUS and I enjoyed it because it is a great place to take a break and relax. The symbol of Sopot is the Molo, the longest wooden pier in Europe (650m). Another symbol for Sopot is the crooked house. Every tourist stops, wonders and takes a picture. It is funny to watch. Sopot became a „bathing beach“ already in 1823.

Promenade of Sopot

Sopot – molo, beach and the promenade



To me Gdynia is the harbor city of Trójmiasto. It always was a strategical port for many armies whether Polish, German or Russian. You might remember that the famous ship „Wilhelm Gustloff“ was stationed in Gdynia and started the last trip from this harbor before being bombed. 9000 people died by the way. No more words to add…


Whale sculpture in Gdynia

Save the harbor porpoises!

Today you still see bigger trade ships load or unload their freight. At the harbor you also find many sculptures like the one with a harbor porpoise. It is a symbol to let them live, as just some individuals live in the baltic sea anymore. I support the Whale and Dolphin Conservation and from my point of view, it is a good sign to stop people or the economy to eventually kill these cute little whales of the Baltic Sea by just taking their space or food.

I hope I was able to share some first impressions of the region Trójmiasto with you. In one of my next posts you can read about some specific tips what to do in Sopot, Gdansk and Gdynia.

So far, enjoy maybe some other posts of my blog and stay tuned. There are some amazing things going on – secrets, but soon I will tell you more about it.

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